The Atari Compendium
The Atari Compendium (Toad Computers) (1994).iso
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145 lines
What's this?
Have you ever heard of linkviruses? Yes, You probably have, but what
do You do to protect yourself from them?
One way is to use a program like AVK to check for them, but You have
to manually start it up and check the files.
An other way is to automate the process, possibly at boot-time.
These two programs makes this easier for You.
First of all You have to start up the program FLIST3x.PRG. This program
will help You make a list of all the programs You want to have a constant
check at. It actually makes a file in ASCII format, so You can change it
with an editor if You like. Just have a look at the example FILELIST.LIS.
(The list is an EXAMPLE! Linkviruses only link to program files)
When You start it up, You will see a normal GEM menu system, with the
menus Desk, File, Edit and Extra.
First of all You have to Load or Create a list which MUST have the name
If You load an already existing file, You will see a printout of how many
files there are in the list, and the name and length of each file.
You can now Add or Remove files from the list.
If You want to add files to the list,You will be presented with the normal
fileselector and you just click on the files You want in the list.
When You are finished, just select CANCEL.
(If You want to calculate a checksum on the whole file, click on 'whole
file' in the 'Extra' menu before you add files to the list.)
Now You can see on screen the files You just added, but if You want a more
tidy listing, select List.
If You want to remove files from the list, each file in the list will be
printed on screen with the question " Remove (Y/N) ". Typing Y will delete
this file from the list, N or just <RETURN> will move on to next file.
When You have made changes to a list, You have to save it to keep the
changes. On selecting Save, the list will be saved to the same
directory as it was loaded from.
When You have your Filelist it is time for the second program,
FCHECKxx.PRG. You can place this program in your AUTO folder or start
it up manually. Just make sure the FILELIST.LIS is in the same directory,
or it will terminate.
If FCHECKER is in the AUTO-folder, then FILELIST.LIS must be placed in
the root directory of the boot-drive.
All the files in the list will now be checked and if all is not well
with a file, You will be told so and You will hear a sound.
Why do these programs?
I wanted an easy way to keep a constant check on files and harddisk to
prevent everything to be infected. This is a fairly easy and simple
way to do it. It is very fast too, especially with a harddisk.
Also, I had nothing better to do on my summer vacation. Rain!!
How does it all work?
Flist3 will make a list of files containing full filepath, length of file,
a cryptobased checksum (of whole or part of file) and a flagbyte.
Fcheck2 will then check the filelength and checksum on each file in the
FILELIST.LIS is an ordinary ASCII-file, so You can view and edit the
pathname and length in an editor.
Flist and Fcheck will probably work with every known and unknown virus,
now and in the future. It will NOT detect a virus if the file You just
added to the list already was infected, so make sure the files are virus-
free before You add them to the list. Check them with AVK or a similar
FCHECK and FLIST DOES NOT use the same method as AVK!!
This program has no fix for the 40-folder bug, so be careful out there!
The menus
About 3.x... Copyright notice and my address
Load list Loading an existing FILELIST.LIS
Create list Creating a new FILELIST.LIS
Save list Saving the created or edited FILELIST.LIS
Delete file Delete any file from disk
Quit Quit program
List files List files in the filelist on screen
Add files Add new files to filelist
Remove files Remove files from filelist
Convert Convert v.1 lists to v.2
Check whole Choose to check whole file or part
Status Gives system status with some system
Hello to:
Richard Karsmakers (AVK), Mike Mee (PVK) and every other viruskiller
out there. (Yes, the programmers too!)
Who am I!
A very lazy programmer and Laboratory Technologist with a thin wallet
and a fascination for viruses.(It does NOT mean I LIKE them)
Donations (5 Pounds), bug reports and suggestions to :
Roger Lindberg
Cyklonvagen 3
451 60 Uddevalla
Fchecker and Flist2 are written with GFA-BASIC 3.5D